Traditional Wooden House Reconversion / ArhiBox

The rural heritage is an important theme of the present in the Romanian context (and not only). Often, constructions that had a contribution in defining the character of a specific region are looked at in a negative manner due to the lack of some basic comfort elements (central heating, proper sanitary equipment etc.). In some cultures the wooden houses are suffering even more due to the image of the perishable material or a perceived lack of durability. The traditional house is perceived as opposite to the comfort ideal: the urban villa, made of brick and modern materials like P.V.C. window frames, gypsum boards, polystyrene thermal insulation and with more generous interior spaces. For many, the urban house is becoming an ideal that may justify huge financial efforts (translated in shortcomings in other aspects), an ideal that in the majority of cases is not just about comfort, but also about the need of representation and social.

via ArchDaily
