Honey, I Shrunk the CNC Machine: "Piccolo" Is the World's Smallest CNC Platform

Honey, I Shrunk the CNC Machine: "Piccolo" Is the World's Smallest CNC Platform:

We hadn't heard from the fellas at Diatom since they sent us their Kickstarter project, the Open Source Sketchchair, last spring. Eleven months later and one world tour later, the dynamic design and digital fabrication duo from Down Under (and less-alliterative London) have partnered with a couple of collaborators at Carnegie Mellon's Computational Design Lab to present "Piccolo," a purportedly "pocket-sized stand-alone CNC platform for under $70."




It's essentially a kit to turn your trusty Arduino into a very basic, very small CNC machine. The video below illustrates its functionality (including but not limited to drawing tiny pictures):


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