Treehouses… Soporific Bliss

Treehouses… Soporific Bliss:
trillium treehouse 1 dining entertaining

Having just moved to a tiny cabin overlooking the sea, and surrounded by native forest, I can attest from personal experience that there really is something very, very relaxing, indeed almost soporific, about living high up amongst trees. Trees really know how to seem to be doing nothing.

Even though trees are actually ferociously manufacturing wood, (and more and more and more of it) they make you feel like really they are doing nothing but existing, and in turn it makes you feel like doing nothing but existing too.

trillium treehouse 3 dining entertaining

Here is a wonderful place to sleep soundly… suspended high among the treetops, shielded from weather by the wood that has been manufactured outside by the surrounding forest.

trillium interior 4 dining entertaining

Maybe a little reading can be done before falling…. zzzz….zzzz….

trillium treehouse 2 dining entertaining

The library downstairs affords plenty of books to indulge in long days of reading…

upper pond treehouse 1 dining entertaining

Another treehouse by the same company offers respite for four, providing for food and rest in one tiny space.

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You can see just how very tiny the space is, with this view, from the beds, out the door.

upper pond 3 dining entertaining

The exterior of this one has a little more “forest gnome” look than the book reader’s tree house. Both are from Treehouse Point, which specializes in supplying unusual accommodations for travelers who “seek comfort and style in friendly and natural surroundings.” The tree houses all feature handmade beds, vintage furnishings and original art.

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Treehouses… Soporific Bliss

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