Visiting the Venice Biennale

Visiting the Venice Biennale:
Visiting the Venice Biennale
A few weeks ago, Italian lighting company Foscarini invited Design Milk to the contemporary art world’s ultimate exhibition, La Biennale, which takes place in Venice every two years (hence the name). Foscarini, which is a sponsor of the festival, hosted us on a stroll through some of the 30 permanent national pavilions in the city’s Giardini (public gardens) as well as a guided tour of the “ILLUMInations” exhibit in the Venetian Arsenal. Below are the highlights from the Arsenale, which features 83 artists from around the world.
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Song Dong (Born and works in China)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Andro Wekua (Born in Georgia; works in Switzerland and Germany)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Rashid Johnson (Born and works in USA)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Franz West (Born and works in Austria)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Nicholas Hlobo (Born and works in South Africa)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Navid Nuur (Born in Iran; works in Holland)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Luca Francesconi (Born in Italy; works in Italy and France)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Klara Liden (Born in Sweden; works in Germany)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Jean-Luc Mylayne (Born in France; works globally)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Corinne Wasmuht (Born and works in Germany)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Ida Ekblad (Born and works in Norway)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Ida Ekblad (Born and works in Norway)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Ida Ekblad (Born and works in Norway)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Guilia Piscitelli (Born and works in Italy)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Fabian Marti (Born and works in Switzerland)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Elad Lassry (Born in Israel; works in USA)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Birdhead (Born and work in China)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Anya Titova (Born and works in Russia)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Annette Kelm (Born and works in Germany)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Urs Fischer (Born in Switzerland; works in USA)
Visiting the Venice Biennale
Monica Bonvicini (Born in Italy; works in Germany)

* please visit original post site*
