julien berthier: balcon additionnel

julien berthier: balcon additionnel: "

‘balcon additionnel’ by julien berthier, 2008 (polyester resin, steel, paint)

‘balcon additionnel’ is an architectural intervention by french artist julien berthier that places a small balcony

on a series of different buildings. the project is actually a service which will hoist the balcony up to the building

from a boom-truck on the ground. the balcony is permanently attached to the truck, allowing it to be quickly

fitted and then removed. the balcony is made from plastic resin, steel and paint and designed to mimic

a haussmann-style balcony found in paris. this traditional style design is contrasted by placing it against

buildings of all different architectural styles.


‘balcon additionnel’ by julien berthier, 2008 (polyester resin, steel, paint)

‘balcon additionnel’ by julien berthier, 2008 (polyester resin, steel, paint)

‘balcon additionnel’ by julien berthier, 2008 (polyester resin, steel, paint)

‘balcon additionnel’ by julien berthier, 2008 (polyester resin, steel, paint)

